Switchback Institute



Because the distance between two points is rarely a straight line.

Why Switchback?

Switchbacks are encountered on steep mountain trails. They prevent erosion on the mountain and provide an opportunity to view surroundings from multiple perspectives. They keep us mindful of our position relative to the world around us and prevent us from losing our footing.

Switchback Institute serves those who serve others. It is dedicated to individuals, teams, and organizations doing high impact, high stakes work; those running up and down the mountain at breakneck speeds who forget to take time for self-preservation and renewal.

Changing the Way We Live and Lead

  • Coaching

    Coaching is a forward focused, personalized process that helps enhance your skills, build on your strengths, set meaningful goals and make regular progress towards achieving them!

    "Being coached has been an indispensable tool for me to grow as a leader.”

  • Workshops & Retreats

    Custom designed: interactive, strengths-based and fun!

    “Beth was AMAZING and highly skilled with group work. Her first session of setting up the expectations was a perfect way to open us up for sharing. All of Beth’s sessions were very therapeutic for healing. I was SO READY for this after a year of frontline Covid bedside nursing…”

  • Transformational Leadership

    Large- and small-scale initiatives, collaborative efforts, pre-event planning and post-event reviews.

    “Beth’s ability to translate strategic vision to actionable initiatives is impressive and I know both the Colorado Department of Public Safety and my section have benefited greatly from her abilities.”

Clients and Partners